Draw and Save Stickman is a puzzle game where you can test your IQ, skills, and creativity. Find ways to draw to keep your character out of danger.
In Draw and Save Stickman, you must assist a beleaguered stickman. Because stickmen are so little in this universe, they might be in severe need of assistance even while accomplishing basic tasks. So, be ready to rescue this stickman from a variety of situations.
This game features 50 stages, each of which presents a unique circumstance. All of these stages have left the stickman in a bad situation, and he must act quickly to rescue himself. The only issue is that he doesn't appear to be able to rescue himself. So, be ready and open your mind to utilize your artistic talent to help him. The stickman will be standing on a platform, ready to tumble into a lava pool or into a shark's maw. Your job is to create lines that will help the stickman stay in place before he is injured. Let's see if you can rescue him in fifty different ways!